Monday 23 July 2007

Officially Unemployed

Greetings old friends,

I am now officially unemployed.
I ended up toughing out my contract with Dell. The last 6 weeks has been hell. Working 80 hours a week takes a huge toll on your body and social life. Since I have not been hitting the gym, I have gained 3 kgs from eating crap microwaved meals and 2 minute noodles. All I have been doing the past 3 days is drinking and sleeping.
I’m taking a few weeks off to re-energize and possibly make a few trips around Brisbane to see the sights. If you have any recommendations, feel free to drop me a line.

Work sent me to Cairns for the day, it was about 16 degrees but oh boy the humidity was high. Even in the air-conditioned office, I was finding it hard to breath.
Since it was only a day tip, I didn’t get a chance to check out the local scenery……..and talent.

Sorry boys, still no pictures. Well none that you will be interested in anyway.
It’s 11pm now and I am going to hibernate for 11 hours.
Hope everyone is enjoying the cold weather in Wellington.
