'Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!'
That warm message made my day, so I guess its now time to get a book publishing deal. I will call it something lame like all autobiography. Maybe something like 'A boy and his laptop' or even 'The Soh: Born in Singapore, grew up in New Zealand and wants to speak French. A story of someone that probably wants to be a dog'.Back to the story, I arrived back in Wellington on Sunday evening, Monday was spent doing the rounds and meeting people for coffees, lunch and dinners. Tuesday, I was back at work at First NZ Capital. They have always been good to me and I am grateful to be back at work after a 5 month holiday. 2 weeks flew by since it was the Christmas and New Years period. Dinners, drinking and catching up everynight.
Now the schedule gets even more busy. 4 days in Napier for New Years, 6 days in Fiji for a wedding, 4 days in Auckland to see people. Lets briefly talk about New Years.
New Years, beach house in Waimarama, Napier with 28 degree weather. Sipping Gin & Tonic on the 2nd floor balcony a stone throw to the beach and a spit to the swimming pool. This was the good life! Then came New Years Eve, hhhhmmmmm 5 naked males making a whirlpool at 1am under the influence of alcohol. My mate Mike is a tall lanky guy so he decided to surprise Grant with a leap frog. For those that are over 8 years old, a leap frog is when one person infront leans over and another person runs from behind and jumps over the leaned over person while stabilising with their palms on the back of the person. So there goes Mike trying to leap frog Grant with no warning and butt naked. Where this equation goes wrong is that this was a frontal leap frog in the dark. So poor ole Grant managed to get teabagged in the face. Again for those that don't know this, a teabag is when the scrotum of Person 1 slaps the face of Person 2 with enough force to make a nice sounding clap. Beers, beers, beers!
Saturday morning 5am, wake up, drive 30mins to Napier airport, fly 1 hour to Auckland, wait 3 hours, fly another 3 hours to Nadi (Fiji), spent 2 hours catching bus and boat. 6pm, at long last I am finally at the resort on Mana Island. I was in Fiji for the wedding of Chris and Cher. I was surrounded by coconut trees, the sound of the ocean and vodka pineapple slushys. It was a daily routine for the 11am Vodka Slushy followed by a swim, sun, snorkling, sun, swim, sun and dinner. The wedding ceremony was beautiful; soft sand, clear sea and a sunset to tie the knot. What a fantastic place to be. Weddings instantly make you a happier person to see the joy on everyone's face. Bula!
Auckland, lots of catching up, lots of drinking so lets just skip this.
Tonight, I went to get Petrol in my mums 1.5 litre Honda Jazz Sport, it was late and I was just minding my own business and suddenly the Asian guy next me starts talking.
Guy: Honda Jazz, very nice cars.
Me: Thanks, its my mums and its nice.
Guy: What is the Sport version like to drive? We have the 1.3 litre version and we like it a lot.
Me: (I look over at his car and it is a Brand New Merecedes CL55 AMG! My Honda cost $24,000NZD, his Mercedes cost $200,000NZD) That is not a Honda Jazz.
Guy: (Laughs) I actually just bought 5 of these for my company and they are really good for deliveries, the seats fold down and it can fit 18 boxes (uses his fingers to draw imaginary boxes in the air)
Me: Really? I might have to look into it one day
Guy: (Opens my back door and starts showing me how to fold the seats down) See, it folds down flat.
Me: (Puzzled and surprised) Oh right, cheers, well I have to pay now, have a good night.
Very funny night, a bit weird but I guess Wellington is full of Weirdos anyway.
Below are a lot of dumb videos, its amazing how much shit dribbles out of my mouth.
Vid - 5.2 MB
Naked Chefs
Naked Chefs Golfing
Family Dinner
Why do I hang out with retards?
Beautiful Wedding
Fiji Sunset
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