Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Windsor Castle

A beautiful day in the heatwave of London to make a trip out to Windsor Castle.
The castle is known to be the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world. The Queen even lives here; check that out. Within the castle, stands Queen Mary's Doll House. This monstrous building is hardly for kids to play with. It stands over 2 metres high and with fully working electricity and plumbing; Imagine that!! Being able to flush the toilet and wash your hands!

The rest of Windsor was also very relaxing with restaurants, cafes, boutique shops topped off with a river running past the city. This is a place for the rich & famous.

There’s not much more I can say about Windsor. It is so close to London but not London; now that is a bonus. Off to Krakow in a few weeks so hopefully I will have more to share.

Castle Guards - 5.9 MB


Secured Area


More Walls

Crooked House

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that place is awesome, i might go and stay with Harry and the gang.