I’m not going to go into detail of what went on in Amsterdam as it could be used as incriminating evidence against me. The red light district was hilarious, although the amount of beautiful women in the windows is about 1:4 pugs. There’s an alley called ‘Skinny Lane’ and the name tells all. This alley was so narrow that you would struggle to fit 2 people side by side through. So when you are walking through, your face is basically pressed against the windows; the beautiful girls were a bonus. After viewing most of the ally’s I found one that I have not walked down; so I went to talk a look. The girls in the windows were hideous; I almost had to take a Viagra just to make sure I could pee. I have given that alley a name that I hope the Dutch can appreciate, ‘Chubby Lane’
We also did a lot of sight-seeing; visited Anne Frank’s house, Van Gogh museum, sex museum, Heineken brewery (it was closed), pancake houses, coffee shops and the best of all; renting bicycles. Since everyone in Amsterdam rode bikes, we had to embrace the culture and terrorise the streets with out rented bicycles. We even had individual names just to make our bike gang better known. Mine was Viper, we also had Slayer and we named the other two guys Celine Dion and Alanis Morissette. My advice to everyone is to rent a bike to when visiting Amsterdam, there is so much more out there; we visited places we wouldn’t have known about. The culture also changes when you are out of the city. We managed to find Rembrandt Square where a statue of Rembrandt stands. I didn’t even know Rembrandt was Dutch.
So when I was in Amsterdam, I noticed that no one actually lived there. It is just a city of tourist, tourist, and tourist. Of course there are loads in London, but in Amsterdam, we/they are all in one area. You meet people from all sides of the world.
Back to my initial subject that Dutch hates tourist. Well for one, I got absolutely abused when I was calmly riding my bike but I think the main reason is that tourist do not understand the rules, do’s & don’ts and just there to abuse the substance privileges while being rude and obnoxious. Let’s break that down a bit. Firstly, riding a bike in Amsterdam is not easy; the bikes are old and not very stable as you bounce your way down the cobblestone road. Bikes also have right of way in most places while tourists are constantly blocking their way. You also have and traffic system for bikes, due to the fact that I did not know about it, I nearly got T-Boned by oncoming cars. Secondly, tourists are smoking marijuana in public. This is a no no, you already have the ability to smoke in a coffee shop but people decide to walk around the city and sparking up in the corner. Not to mention they will be high as the cloud and not caring about the surrounding public.
Pics from Amsterdam can be viewed here
Infamous Bulldog Hostel
Let's Party
mmm salami
Smoking Kills
Want a ride ladies?
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