Oktoberfest 1 – Sam 0
Saturday morning started at 8am as the doors for the beer tents opened at 9am and you have to line up else you will not be allowed in if the place is full. The doors normally close at 11am so there was no way we were going to miss out. Beers did not get served till 12pm since it was the opening day of Oktoberfest so it was dead boring sitting there twiddling with our thumbs.
At 12pm, beers came rolling in. Due to the 3 hour anticipation, I ended up drinking beers like water. We were kicked of the tables at 3pm as it was reserved but we weren’t too bothered, everyone was fully tanked. The night ended at the hostel getting more plastered and passing out at 12am. Oktoberfest 2 – Sam 0
To show that I have culture and not just about the booze, we visited the Nymphenburg Palace. This palace was built in 1664 to celebrate the birth of Maximilian II Emanuel who went on to become a ruler of Bavaria. The palace and park is about 200 acres but after 90mins of walking, we had to call it quits. Back to the beer tents we go for some refreshments. At around 10pm, I went back to the hostel to freshen up as my clothes were saturated in beer. I sat on my bed, closed my eyes and woke up the next morning. Apparently everyone was jumping on my bed and nothing was able to wake me up. I was very ashamed of my effort. Oktoberfest 3 – Sam 0.
We all sat in the courtyard on Monday with minimal words spoken. Everyone was either too hung-over, loss their voice or sick of everyone else.
Oktoberfest was an experience of a lifetime. Anyone keen on Oktoberfest 2009?
Oktoberfest gallery can be viewed here
Marienplatz Glockenspiel – 6.2 MB
Hofbrauhaus – 5.6 MB
Oktoberfest Part 1 – 6.2 MB
Oktoberfest Part 2 – 3.5 MB
Head count
Marienplatz Glockenspiel
Eileen with her first stein
She was carrying 10 at one stage
Nymphenburg Palace
€8 My Little Pony