Sunday, 17 August 2008

I want to fly away, yeah yeah yeah

Eileen got tickets to Lenny Kravitz on Wednesday night. He is touring to promote his new album 'It Is Time For A Love Revolution' and I must say, it's pretty good. His voice was amazing, the guitarist, drummer and bass all put on a great show for the crowd. I have uploaded a small clip for all to experience the crispness.

It was Eileen's 28th Birthday on Saturday so we had to get out on the piss. We went to a very pretentious rooftop restaurant with a beer garden. I felt so out of place, everyone was in a suit and I'm standing there in jeans and a t-shirt. At around 12am, my mate Jakey from Australia and I left the bar to get some food. We managed to approach two beautiful girls from Czech Republic and convinced them to come see the view from the rooftop. It was all downhill once we started chatting. Conversation went something like this:

Girls: We have no respect for people that take drugs, they are a waste of time! You don't need it.
Us: If your friends took drugs, does that mean you will disown them.
Girls: Yes

Then we started ripping into them with stuff like people have rights to do whatever they want, its their life, who are you to tell them what to do, blah blah blah.
It got pretty funny but what a stupid conversation, should have turned my back and walked away. Anyway still unemployed but that has not stopped me from booking trips. Currently booked is Amsterdam, Munich, Iceland, France. Will need to try to squeeze a few more in before Christmas.

Lenny Kravitz - 5.7 MB


Lenny is the man

Still the man

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