Monday, 9 June 2008

3 weeks and still no Visa.

I have now been home for 6 weeks and still visaless.
Although I have a feeling that something is going to come in the mail this week. So intensed.
I did not utilise my gym membership last month so I have been getting my arse into gear this week; getting up at 5:30am to go for a run with a sweatshirt and beanie.
A lot of people have said to me.

"Why are you going so hard at the gym? You are just going to get the Healthrow injection"

No matter how strong my determination not to pack on the pounds, I have to agree with that statement. All I'll be eating is Bangas & Mash and Yorkshire Pudding.
The old lady was feeling a bit down on Sunday so I treated her to a movie. We went to the Lighthouse Cinema in Petone. The cinema is situated in a historical building that seats about 40 people. All the seats are twin seater couches, you can only imagine the luxurious atmosphere; sitting there with a glass of red. The movie that was screening when we arrived was Happy go Lucky. It was about a 30 year old female that is high on life. Quirky, Spontaneous and amusing. Sam Burrett from England via Australia is in Wellington tomorrow night so I'll be meeting her for a few drinks.

Lame update, but its 12:45am and I have less than 5 hours sleep.


Drunken Mike making cheese toastie

Romantic walk in the park with Ham

This is why NZ is so beautiful

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