My trip to Brisbane was very relaxing; I got to catch up with friends and old flat mates. Jacqui was 3 months pregnant so she's starting to balloon; not much we can do here. They have recently found out that the baby is a girl so it's all very exciting down in the Southern Hemisphere.
After a short 13 hour flight and the 2 hours it took for me to transfer to Anaheim, I had finally made it to
"Where dreams come true!" We spent the evening walking around Downtown Disney and dining at an amazing pizzeria there. The weather was warmish; 22 by day and 14 by night.
Disneyland is a Fantasyland where grown man and women can wear silly hats and t-shirt.
It is divided into two parks; one is the main Disneyland and the other is more of an amusement park called California Adventure.
It is hard to decribe the joy of Disneyland, there was just so much to do! There were fun rides, thrill rides,
Churro's, live theatre, 4D theatre, more rides, more churro's, popcorn, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, weird triangle headed characters, squirrels and Aladdin.
Aladdin was such a let down, they should have had princess Jasmine walk around shaking her thang.
Was I too old for Disneyland? No way. Would I do it again? In a heart beat!
Since arriving in San Francisco, I have learnt a new American phrase
"I have a service dog". Bunce recommended a diner to me called
Pinecreast Diner. After reading its history, the diner is famous for an order of poached eggs that ended in murder! Crazy but you should read up about it.
So this attractive girl; brunette, slim, dressed in black, red lipstick walks in with her boyfriend and dog. The conversation with the waitress went like this:
Waitress: Sorry we don't allow dogs in here
Girl: [In a sour tone.] I have a service dog!
Waitress: It doesn't look like a service dog.
Girl: It's a service dog!
Waitress: I will have to see its registration.
Girl: [shows the waitress the dog tags]
I did not think it was a service dog at all! It was a cute black puppy Labrador wearing a red hanky.
The only service that puppy would have been able to perform is lick peanut butter off the girls nipples.
The great thing about San Francisco is that every restaurant has Wifi. This may not be as useful to locals but for poor travellers like myself, it's always good to keep the roaming charges down. Sitting in Chinatown eating fried rice noodles while surfing for the next awesome attraction; Brilliant!
Golden Gate Bridge, Haight Ashbury, the Painted ladies by Alamo Square, the gay friendly neighbourhood of Castro, Fishermens Wharf, Seals at Pier 39,
Lombard Street with 8 hairpin turns. So much to do, too much to say. Oh the Golden Gate Bridge is off limits to people walking after 9pm just incase you decided to jump but you can still ride your bike across.............interesting rule America.
Walking onto Alcatraz Island on a cold dark night enhanced the experience even more. Whist only 2.4km from San Francisco City, the cold water and strong currents are deadly.
The last successful attempt was on June 11, 1962 by Clarence Anglin (Bank Robbery), John W. Anglin (Bank Robbery), Frank Lee Morris (Bank Burglary) and Alan (Clayton) West (Trans. Stolen Vehicle). Although unconfirmed if they survived the harsh swim, some believe they drowned, some believe they are now in Mexico because they were learning Spanish while in prison. We will never know.
Sean Connery escaped from Alcatraz in 1963, this was later adapted in the film
The Rock (1996)
Its good to be home and sleeping in my bed
Disneyland photos can be viewed
San Francisco photos can be viewed
The start of my fantasy
Dream came true
My adotped family
Some mouse
Some mouse taking photos with the gremlins
Pooh bear up to no good
Rainbows End log ride
The gremlins getting ready for the parade
Mufasa or Simba
I recall saying something about silly hats
Sleeping Beauty's castle but she was still sleeping
Evil Queen was a bit of a turn on
I honestly bent the bar
Obviousy not an SLR
This is what we all came to see
Johnny Deep in Pirates of the Caribbean
Johnny Deep in Alice in Wonderland
Wait, Johnny Deep didn't play Goofy?
Chinese People.....Wow
More Chinese People.....Wow
Chinese Food.....Wow
Russian Hills
Tourist Trap Pier 39
Smelly Seals
Lombard Street
Red Bridge
Painted Ladies by Alamo Square
Alcatraz Island
My Hostel
Castro Theatre
Gay Dog
Finally rode a Cable Car
Street so steep it had stairs