The language is still very difficult. There is so much to learn and you have to be saying the same word over and over again until your pronunciation is perfect. Unlike English, if you were to miss out a simple two letter word in French, you will be saying something completely different. Studying is hard for me not because I'm useless but mainly because it's not a criteria. We get given homework but if it does not get done, the teachers are not going to mind because we are the ones paying for this. Maybe I need to look into studying French at a University on my return.
Dans 2 semaine, je vais retourne a Londres et apres je depart a Nouvelle Zelande. Je manque Nouvelle Zelande beaucoup.
In 2 weeks, I will be returning to London and after, I will leave for New Zealand, I miss New Zealand a lot.
Last week, we went out for dinner with my Norwegian classmate and his family, bowling, ice-skating and I also visited the aquarium. Activites are unlimited here in Montpellier. It's a shame the weather is too cold for kayaking. I have yet to play golf either but there are about 4 golf courses within 20mins of the city. Still drinking way too much and sitting at a cafe for way too long; ce la vie.
This week saw the release of Michael Jackson's 'This is it!' movie. As a result, 3000 people gathered in place de la comedie to watch dancers pay hommage to MJ with the dance from Thriller. I was unable to squeeze in anywhere so all I could do is take a picture of the crowd.
Alors, ce week-end je ne sais pas quoi faire, peut-etre je vais aller a marseille pour visitie mon ami Stephane mais le train est tres cher.
So, this weekend I don't know what to do, maybe I will go to Marseille to visit my friend Stephane but the trains are very expensive.
Anyway, I'm tired from the French overload and drinking.
See you all soon
Bowling - 5.2 MB
Iceskating 1 - 4.2 MB
Iceskating 2 - 1.9 MB
Iceskating 3 - 3.7 MB
Storm - 4.1 MB
Aquarium 1 - 3.4 MB
Aquarium 2 - 4.2 MB
Aquarium 3 - 2.4 MB
Bowling with friends and family
American, French, Dutch. They all speak brilliant French
Jellyfish, this was awesome
In Antarctica
Penguins Chilling
Normal Monday Night
Naked Friend
3000 People