Friday, 17 October 2008

Ancient Brugge

My 4 nights in Brugge has been great. Since it was a business trip, I didn't get too much time during the day to see the sights but did try to take as many photos as possible (it gets dark early). Brugge is a laid back city with extraordinarily architecture and delectable cuisine. The people are friendly, releaxed and love their bier's. The trip was tranquil; dining at exquisite restaurants, drinking full-bodied 12% biers. The serving size of meals are greater in proportion and in no way does it compromise it's taste. If you are a vegetarian, you will not fit in. The belfry tower is a medieval bell tower right in the centre of Brugge, it is a very well known symbol. I only managed to take a photo of The Chapel of the Holy Blood. The chapel holds a sacred vial said to contain a cloth with blood of jesus christ. There were so many places to see and with so much history, Brugge is must for all.
Photos from Brugge can be viewed here

It's Wednesday night and I am at home blogging. Blogs are meant to be quick thinking of opinions but my blogs generally take about 90mins to write. Although this is mainly a diary to remind myself of my travels. So I'm off to Iceland in 3 weeks and Norway in 4 weeks, better start saving instead of drinking it away.


Big Market Square

Belfry Tower

Feel the serenity

Real bier

Colleague Jeff

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

B-Boys and Interconnector rocks

My sisters mate Jen rung me on Sunday with a spare ticket to the 2008 UK B-Boy World Finals. To the amateurs, it is just break dancing. But the fact is, there are different classes of competition. It is much more than just twirls and spins. Competitors battle it out with different dance genre along with single, pair and team events. Countries include Japan, Korea, China, Russia, USA, Jamaica and of course UK. The event was ‘Fresh’

I got my contract renewed at Interconnector till the end of the year. Since I will be with them for another few months, they decided to send me to Brugge, Belgium to meet the team. 3 things come to mind when I think of Belgium, I can practise my poor French, drink great Belgium bier and indulge in magnificent chocolate.

For those that know me, my eating habits are generally pretty good. But ever since arriving in London, it has deteriorated. The Heathrow injection is worsening and I feel more and more run down throughout the day. On that note, I purchased some mass gainer and fat burner supplements to help me speed up the process to get my body back into shape. I will not state what I am taking in the meantime as these supplements are potent and I do not want to preach it until it has been experimented on my body. No it is not steroids, not quite anyway.

Sorry no new photos this week as Eileen borrowed my camera for Budapest.
But here are some good time oldies.


Beachcomber, Fiji 2005

Wellington, New Zealand 2006

Melbourne, Australia 2007

Brisbane, Australia 2008

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

No smoking!

I have given up smoking, it has been 2 weeks now. I am coughing heavily, feeling sick and eating a lot. Not my idea of fun but I'll see how long it will last.
On Thursday, I got an email from my ex-boss Chris Bunce (Buncy) at First NZ Capital insisting that I have dinner at a place called 'New Culture Revolution'. Ofcourse it is an asian restaurant; who in their right mind would call a restaurant that name. Whats wrong with 'China Inn' or even 'Wangs House'? Since Buncy gave that place so much hype, I decided to fulfil his dreams on Friday evening. The place was actually pretty good and reasonably priced. Everything was made fresh and still had a chinese zing. Good work Buncy. If anyone has any recommendations, please feel free to share it as I will try my best to give it my compliments and criticisms.

On Friday and Saturday night, I got leathered. Whats new?

Now tonight was something different. My flatmate was doing research on Cat food and happen to have a spare can of Jelly meat. After negotiating the terms of £10 for half a can, Cale was ready to hoover it down. The smell was revolting and the sight of him chewing was repulsive. None the less, he completed the task.

Sandbar? - 3.8 MB
New Culture Revolution - 6.4 MB
Yummy Cat Food - 5.7 MB



Cale about to vomit

Would you feed that to your cat?