The solo course consists of 9 stages (9 jumps) with criteria’s you have to pass to move on to the next stage. For the first 3 stages, 2 jumpmasters would leap off the plane with you while they critique you on your posture and make sure you are checking your altimeter at regular intervals, after that, its all on you.
We did 8 hours of classroom training yesterday and jumped out of the plane today.
The adrenaline rush is amazing. Cold air rushing past you at 10,500ft with your life hanging off a few pieces of rope. The view is indescribable. The hardest part for first time skydivers is learning to control the canopy (parachute).
We all know how to jump of diving boards at a pool and we can learn how to arc our backs on the floor but learning to fly the canopy would be a first. We can only be verbally taught how to fly the canopy but the rest is based on experience and completing more jumps. Practise makes perfect.
Once I pass this course and sit a few tests, I will be able to leap off the plane anywhere in the world.
On my return to NZ, I will definitely be getting friends to join in, so look out and make sure you have a spare pair of underwear. Will take better pics next time.
Airbourne Sam